Warrior Improvement & Solutions by Engagement (W.I.S.E.) Program

The purpose of the W.I.S.E. Program is to ensure each stakeholder of WSUSOM the opportunity to provide suggestions and feedback that may ultimately improve the organization's mission. The W.I.S.E. Program will serve as the mechanism that will drive the culture of Continuous Quality Improvement within the WSUSOM. The purpose of W.I.S.E. directly aligns with three Pathways to Excellence by allowing stakeholders a form to identify opportunities for improvement. These opportunities will drive cultural change and allow leaders to make a positive impact towards a Pathway to Excellence. 

Submit the W.I.S.E. form

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to reach us at oaacqi@med.wayne.edu.

Thank you.  GO WARRIORS!

Kanye L. Gardner
Director of Continuous Quality Improvement
Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Continuous Quality Improvement